Thursday, 1 January 2015

Here's to 2015

Happy New Year! Welcome 2015!

Wow. I cannot believe that 2015 has arrived! 2014 flew by quickly, too quickly I think. As I get older, I feel as if every single year fly by too fast. I can't get a hold of my days and it just slips right through my fingers. I don't like it. I miss being a child and time was flying by slowly and I could seize each moment of every day. Now, with all the bustling and the hustling, every thing is moving too quickly. Can't time stop or slow down for a second? 

What a sappy way to start this post. Enough of that! Let's welcome 2015 with open arms. People are always on about new year's resolution at the beginning of the new year but lesbehonest (high five to those who got the pitch perfect reference) with ourselves, do we actually do any of it as the year progress? Every year I would create a new list of what my resolutions are for the year and I've never actually fulfilled any of it. Never came around to it or I just forgot =P So for 2014, I decided not to create a list but to have one goal and one goal only and that goal is...

and I must say that that resolution is still true to my soul! My 2015 resolution is still to become Beyoncé. I've nailed (well, at least I think so) the single ladies hand thing dance (mind you, I've only got the hand part, not the whole dance routine yet. hahaha) but hey, it is a step closer into becoming Queen Bey. 


Here's to more memories and more adventures, Happy New Year!


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