Thursday, 8 January 2015

That's Where Eye Draw The Line

Who else do I plagiarise if not Alexa Chung when it comes to eyeliner? My uni will not be pleased with this. Lol. Moving on, Alexa Chung, to me, has perfected the cat eye look that was donned by the effortless beauty Brigitte Bardot. I personally love the cat eye look and has made it a part of my daily routine. If I could get a sticker that could give me the perfect cat eye, I would run straight to the stores and scream "GIVE IT TO ME NOW!" (you know sometimes you just have one of those days and you can't give a shit about doing your make-up, that cat eye sticker would totes come in handy!) 

I begin with putting on a bit of concealer on my eyelids as a base and to cover up any redness. Then, I take my eyeliner and I like to start from the outer corners of eyes and work my way in. I sort of angle my eyeliner to create a flick (I follow the bottom line of eyes and use that as a guide to create the flick) Once I have the flick, I'll draw a line from the outer corner of my eyes to the inner corner of my eyes. Voilà, you're cat-eye ready.

Eyeko's collaboration with Alexa Chung. How adorbs is the packaging? 

Here's a tutorial from Alexa Chung herself to get the make-up look,

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